Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Snack N Shrooms®

Was very excited to open the mail on Saturday morning to find a document from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Snack N Shrooms is now registered and listed under Seasoned Dried White Mushrooms Int. Cl 29 (U.S. Cl 46).

Friday, July 22, 2011

Summer 2011

A couple of weeks ago two of us went to the Fancy Food Show in Washington, DC. Our only regret was that we couldn't stay longer. We made a decision to purchase gourmet foods that pair well with mushrooms. We tell everyone to saute mushrooms in olive oil and garlic so why not have the olive oil and garlic on hand. There are some great recipes using sun-dried tomatoes and sweet red peppers. Anxious to get some of these new products in and share some great recipes.

We also found a White Wine Sauce and a Red Wine Sauce - already tried the White - sauteed portabella mushrooms in olive oil w/salt and pepper, mixed in leftover roasted chicken and the already heated white wine sauce and poured the mixture over rice. It was delicious, easy - can't wait to try the Red Wine Sauce! Will keep you posted. These new products will arrive at The Mushroom Cap soon!