Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Snack N Shrooms®

Was very excited to open the mail on Saturday morning to find a document from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Snack N Shrooms is now registered and listed under Seasoned Dried White Mushrooms Int. Cl 29 (U.S. Cl 46).

1 comment:

~~louise~~ said...

Congratulations Kathleen! Kudos to you. I'm sure it was a long tedious process and you made it.

I'm hoping to attend the festival next weekend and will be sure and drop in at The Mushroom Cap if I do. I would love to try your "Snack 'N Shrooms" in person. They sound delightful! (Mushroom Chips, whoda thought:)

I'm also composing a post celebrating National Mushroom Month this Sunday on my blog and I hope you don't mind if I link to your website.

Thanks again for all the info I've been paging through. It's been a wonderful trip (unfortunately facebook was limited because I'm not a member) Hope to "see" you next week, Louise.