Saturday, October 18, 2008

Brandywine Valley Visitors from Alabama - October 18, 2008

Visitors from Alabama were in town yesterday. They arrived at Philadelphia Airport, rented a car and drove to Kennett Square arriving at 2 am with no place to stay - Did they really sleep in their car? As we say - Shiitake Happens in Kennett Square! It was all worth it after they visited Longwood Gardens and of course The Mushroom Cap.

How about the gentleman who called to ask for directions to Kennett Square - coming from the Chadds Ford area? "We are coming to The Mushroom Cap before we go to Longwood Gardens", he said. When he finally arrived he told us he thought the village of Hamorton was Kennett Square. Boy was he surprised when he arrived in town! Some just never drive beyond Longwood Gardens coming from the North. They just don't know what they are missing.

This week we are featuring locally prepared Roasted Red Peppers. We found a great recipe with portabellas, spinach, and eggs. Adding cheese is a must. Brunch anyone?

We've had several requests for pickled mushrooms to replace green olives in their martinis. We now have those pickled mushrooms. How about two martini glasses to go along with our 12 oz. jar of pickled mushrooms for a great gift?

Coming soon - a shiitake log. We are going to try our hand at growing shiitakes at The Mushroom Cap - one log at a time! Should be a great experience! How many shiitakes will we get? Can't wait to find out.

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