Sunday, January 15, 2012

Longwood Gardens Mushroom Soup Recipe

Since there are so many requests at The Mushroom Cap for the Longwood Garden's Mushroom Soup recipe I thought it would be nice to share it here. Why not stop at The Mushroom Cap for your oyster, shiitake and crimini mushrooms? You won't be disappointed. Always fresh - picked and kept in the cooler.

The Bounty of Chester County Cookbook also has this recipe included.

Again thank you to Pam George (award winning food writer).

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Mushroom Queen

What a great article written by Pam George! How lucky I am. After trying to find the online version of this publication immediately after it appeared in my hands and having no luck whatsoever - I gave up at the time due to Mushroom Festival - arrival of twins - a trip to MI - holidays, etc.
Here I am awake at 2 am - I finally did a search again and found exactly what I was looking for.
I was led to this while looking at and finding the links to other previously written articles. This one needs to be added too! Can't say enough about free publicity - it all works hand in hand with helping to keep a business up and running.

Love the "twin" button mushrooms!
Another project - a new look for