Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 25, 2010

Today would have been my Dad's 83rd birthday! I mention him because he was often at The Mushroom Cap helping out - doing what he could. His job for a while was breaking down boxes and taking them to be recycled. In his days of declining health he would sit in a chair outside and watch the traffic go by. Sometimes an old friend would stop and say hello. He usually recognized everyone but could not speak. Dad lived his entire life in Kennett Square - he wouldn't have had it any other way. I think he celebrated his birthday with a bang today - electric out, trees down - what a storm we had. Happy Birthday Dad! Miss you! The baby in his arms is Keira - she is now 2 and says "Pop-Pop" everytime she sees his picture! Dad passed away 11/27/09.

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