Saturday, April 4, 2009

It's April, It's Spring - Eat Mushrooms!

For those of you who are following my blog - I've been doing facebook and twitter. Still have a lot to learn but I am amazed at how the networking works! I did invite Michelle Obama and her family to Kennett Square, PA to visit a mushroom farm. I commend her for having a garden at the White House but mushrooms cannot grow in her garden. The girls have learned to eat some veggies from seeing how they grow. Maybe they will come to the Annual Mushroom Festival in September and go on a farm tour! I hope they are eating mushrooms! I'll let you know if the Obama's come to town.

Today we had visitors from several different places - MI, NJ, DC, MD, WV, Western PA, Manhattan and Long Island NY, DE and beyond. Do you have morels? Maybe - will find out on Monday. How many would you like?

Now here is a story - today a mother and her son came to The Mushroom Cap looking for Maitake liquid. Just got an order in on Tuesday. The young man was just diagnosed with cancer of the salivary gland. Because his grandmother had stage 4 lung cancer, having gone through an operation, chemo, etc. and finally taking maitake and is in remission, Mom wanted to start her son on Maitake right away.
Do your own research. My husband and I take Maitake tablets every day hoping to keep the yin and the yang in our bodies balanced. Mushrooms were put on this earth for a reason! Be sure to eat them. Fresh maitake mushrooms are delicious. Just saute them in butter or olive oil with garlic.

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